The Ruth Project

March 2024

This Spring: Family FUNdraiser Walk

Saturday, April 13 is our first Foster FUNdraiser Walk to help raise funds for The Ruth Project!  We are excited for our families to encourage their supporters to support The Ruth Project through this 1-Mile Walk.  The Farm Activity Path is a perfect route for this event – its flat gravel accommodates even the littlest walkers as well as strollers and wagons.  Just four times around equals one mile, and lots of interactive, fun activities will cheer walkers on and make them giggle to forget how far they have left to go!  This is truly a fun day for all ages and all abilities. 

Local businesses are generously sponsoring the cost of the event and t-shirts for every little walker!  There will be lots to see and do including farm animals out and about, yard games set up, and raffles and awards to end the Walk.  We’ll even have farm tractors (maybe even a combine!) for a “Touch-a-Tractor” activity!  Of course, there will be plenty to eat and drink. 

Everyone is invited to be involved.  Are you a business owner?  Maybe you’d like to be a sponsor!  Are you a volunteer?  You also can register your family to walk and FUNdraise!  Involve your grandkids!  Just want to come?  Then come!  Cheer on the walkers and strollers as they cross the finish line and enjoy a day at The Farm.  What a perfect way for all families to enjoy the fostering community.  FOSTER WALK INFO

From Our Executive Director…

What an incredible year it’s been for The Ruth Project!  We decided to interview our Founder and Executive Director Tammy McMahan to let her share a few thoughts on 2023 and the first couple months of 2024. 

Tammy, in just two words, how would you describe 2023? 

Abundance!  Growth! 

What about “abundance” stands out to you the most? 

Without a doubt – The Farm.  I can hardly believe it’s been just one year since the Lord allowed us to add The Farm to The Ruth Project.  I see SO much abundance – the land, the barns, the activities we can host, volunteer involvement, so many visitors and tours, our beloved animals – the list goes on and on!  Yet the sweetest abundance of all is the Lord’s provision of so many generous people with their talents, time, donations, and energy to help care for our sweet foster families!

What about “growth” stands out to you the most? 

For sure it’s the incredible increase in the number of our foster families.  We started in 2020 with just five families of 25 children – foster, adopted, and birth.  Last week’s five new families brings us to 186 and 556 children!  Those numbers spur us on!  Those numbers show how much foster families need care, connection, and ongoing support.

We also have an ever-increasing number of volunteers.  We are adamant about acknowledging that The Ruth Project would not exist without them.  We have volunteers who have faithfully served since our doors opened, new volunteers who just joined us this week, and volunteers everywhere in between.  Each one is a gift and each one has something special to offer to our families. 

How would you describe 2024? 

I like the word “settling.”  Our team determined in January which Ruth Project activities are the most impactful.  Then, we agreed to “settle” all our time, energy, and treasured resources on those for 2024.  We have clarity on how to best serve our families, volunteers, and donors and will not be distracted. 

What is The Ruth Project’s greatest need? 

Definitely financial support.  We need more monthly donors. January, February, and March are characteristically very difficult times for non-profits and The Ruth Project is no different.  As everyone moves into their own new year, funding decreases despite our increase in numbers of families to care for.  Yet, we don’t want to let costs deter us from adding more families who need care and we do not compromise on the excellence of that care.   

We cannot express enough gratitude for our generous donors!  The Ruth Project would not exist without our donors. We continue to operate solely by individuals’ and organizations’ donations without utilizing any state funding. That said, the need for additional supporters continues to be our greatest need.  

Do you have anything more to add? 

Yes!  Every single month, the Lord tangibly reminds us of The Ruth Project mission.  It is His charge to care for the modern-day orphan who has lost everything and everyone.  We exist to love and care for them and the families who welcome them into their homes.  We can all foster somehow, some way – even if we don’t have children in our own homes.  What an honor it is to serve together!  

Upcoming Events

> Mom's Night Out - Dinner and Storehouse Boutique Shopping - Tuesday, March 5 (6:30-8:30pm)
> Family Fun Day at the Illinois Baseball Academy - Saturday, March 23 (11am-1:30pm)
> Dash and Dine - Thursday, March 28 (5-6:30pm)
Hosted at The Farm
Dash & Dine Meals
Abundantly Loved

Meal Team

Meals are such a wonderful way to provide instant and practical relief to our families on a hard day (or just a busy one)!

Once you’ve cooked to your heart’s content, choose a date and time below to drop off your meal(s) at The Storehouse in Elgin.

Some details:
- All items in meal must be frozen. We love sides and dessert options as well.
- Kid-friendly and comfort meals are encouraged.
- Please avoid allergies (ie: peanuts, shellfish).
- If you have gluten/dairy free recipes, we also accept those!
- Please attach a separate sheet with details instructions for cooking and recipe (including ingredients)

Thank you!
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Farm Landscape Team

The Farm Landscape Team will help keep The Farm grounds looking beautiful for our families. You are welcome to come anytime within the listed hours!

Routine tasks may include: Weed-waking, weeding, mulching, watering, and gathering flowers for bouquets.

(We are looking for four zero-turn drivers to help mow once a month. If you, or someone you know, would like to help with mowing - please email us below!)

If you have any questions, please email us at
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Animal Care

Calling all animal lovers!

Love and snuggles from our variety of farm creatures is important to our children. This Animal Care Team will help feed, care for, and train our farm animals.

This includes our donkey, highland cow, chickens, ducks, and pup! Routine care will be assisting in feeding, grooming, and spending time with the animals to ensure friendliness. Training will be provided, no experience necessary.

Thank you so much!
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Greenhouse Care

Do you have a green-thumb?
We’d love your help in keeping the Greenhouse alive!

By assisting us with watering, weeding, planting, and nurturing the flower and salad beds, you will be apart of creating a calm and peaceful place for our foster moms to enjoy!

Don’t worry, we will make sure to provide you with all the instructions you need when you arrive.

Greenhouse Care only needs completed once a day - so you are welcome to come anytime between 9am-6pm (the earlier the better)!
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